Our nonprofit organization, Joey's Gifts, was established to honor our grandson Joey who tragically drowned. Joey was an exceptionally talented athlete and loved playing sports, especially soccer. One of our goals is to empower children through sports. Our sports scholarship program financially supports small, community-based organizations that offer sports and physical activity programs for children in the community. Beyond our commitment to youth athletics, we aim to secure funding for animal rescues and safety initiatives. We accomplish this through generous donations and sponsorships.
We are deeply passionate about our initiatives and programs. You can help create a better future for those most vulnerable in our community. We ask for your support by contributing your time, resources, or finances. Join us in making a difference today and be a part of something truly significant. Continue reading to learn more.
Please note: Joey's Gifts was founded on June 23, 2023, and incorporated according to the requirements of Pennsylvania's Nonprofit Corporation Law of 1988 on August 4, 2023.

Joey's Gifts: Enriching Lives Through Love

about us
On June 19, 2023, our grandson Joey tragically drowned in a pond while fishing. He was only nine years old. He loved fishing and was a good swimmer.
Our lives stood still on that dreadful day and drastically changed
forever. We loved our grandson Joey deeply. He was a wonderful, funny, gregarious, carefree boy who treasured life. Joey was a good friend and made friends everywhere he went. Adults even got to know him because he had mastered his communication skills well beyond his tender age. Joey had an extraordinary personality and was loving and caring.
One of his favorite pastimes was playing
at the playground. If his little brother or
another youngster needed help, he was
quick and happy to oblige. He was so
gentle with little ones.
We talked about everything, and Joey loved telling us all he knew about dinosaurs. He was brilliant and had a knack for telling other stories too. He would make us laugh until our belly hurt. I suppose he learned his story-telling antics from his Pop - they were close that way! They had a funny and extraordinary bond with one another indeed.
Our loss is heartbreaking and unbearable because of who Joey was and how he loved life. His spirit was enormous in life, so, we want his soul to soar in death. We want his star to shine brightest evermore. Our niece gifted us an actual star. We named it "Joey's Star." It is the most precious gift ever!
My husband and I founded this nonprofit, Joey's Gifts, so Joey's death would not be in vain. Joey's tragic accident demonstrates that anything can happen to your children in a fraction of a second. We don't want other parents, grandparents, siblings, friends, etc. to experience this or a similar horrific life-changing event. Believe us, life will never be the same. We have founded a safety system program to help young minds think about safety first and empower them.
Thank you for stopping by.
Read on to learn more about Joey and the excellent programs we have developed for children and animals in Joey's name. These programs make a real difference in the lives of children and their families. Discover how you can be a part of this amazing cause.

Anything Is Possible
With Joey's Gifts Programs

Our Sports Scholarship Program for Young Athletes
Children's participation in sports enhances youth development and teaches essential life skills. At Joey's Gifts, we believe that all children should have the chance to pursue their dream of playing sports, regardless of their financial situation.
Our inspiration for founding Our Sports Scholarship Program for Young Athletes is Joey, our talented nine-year-old grandson. Joey loved soccer and wrote an essay for school about why everyone should play it. Joey learned valuable lessons about teamwork, leadership, respect, and good sportsmanship from playing the sport.
As his family, we saw firsthand how much soccer helped Joey grow and develop. His
confidence and self-esteem increased, and he felt happy and fulfilled. Tragically, Joey passed away just five days after his last game of the season, but his legacy lives on through Joey's Gifts.
Joey's Gifts Scholarship Program provides financial assistance to children who cannot afford to play sports. We want to make sports accessible to all children, just as Joey wished. By supporting our program, you can help honor his legacy, and provide an opportunity for children to learn important life skills through sports.
Our Safety System Program
"Keeping Kids Safe - Our #1 Goal"

We are dedicated to implementing effective safety programs that educate both children and adults on vital measures to prevent drowning and other life-threatening situations. Our partnership with the YMCA's Safety Around Water (SAW) Program exemplifies this commitment. This initiative teaches children essential swimming skills and raises awareness about water safety. The SAW Program features a structured curriculum that helps participants progressively develop their swimming abilities. Children must meet specific criteria established by the YMCA to advance to the next level of lessons. This ensures that every child learns to swim and navigate potential water hazards safely.
We strongly encourage parents and guardians to enroll their children in this important program. The SAW program empowers children and provides them with the knowledge and confidence to enjoy water activities while prioritizing safety. By promoting a culture of safety and awareness, we aim to reduce drowning risks and foster a lifelong appreciation for water safety among young people.
We believe that children should always have a buddy when engaging in outdoor activities. If something unexpected occurs, the buddy can seek help, potentially preventing a tragedy. By instilling lifelong safety habits in children, we can ensure their well-being and avoid preventable incidents that can change lives forever.
My husband and I founded the nonprofit organization, Joey's Gifts, so that Joey's death would not be in vain. We want to spare other parents and grandparents from experiencing a similar horrifying event. We know all too well that the consequences are devastating and life-altering; life will never be the same.
Joey's tragic accident serves as a reminder that anything can happen to our children in the blink of an eye. The safety of our loved ones should always be a top priority. Let’s work together to make our communities safer and make a difference in children’s lives.
Our Animal Rescue Program

At Joey's Gifts, we are passionate about promoting animal welfare. Joey had an unbridled love for animals, and we are committed to keeping his legacy alive by supporting animal rescue organizations with Our Animal Rescue Program, we do this with Love. These organizations play a crucial role in caring for stray and abandoned animals. The volunteers work tirelessly to provide animals with medical treatment, nutritious meals, foster volunteers, and permanent loving homes. However, to continue their critical work, they need the generous contributions of donors to continue their mission, and we are proud to support their cause.
Recently, we made a significant contribution to Wags Rescue. Wags Rescue is an organization that provides exceptional care to our furry friends and demonstrates an unwavering commitment to finding all animals a loving home. But our work is far from over, and we need your help to make a real difference. By donating today, you can help us support these organizations that have a crucial role in promoting animal welfare. Alternatively, you can volunteer at a rescue or foster an animal. Every little bit counts. Together, we can create a significant impact on the lives of these precious creatures.
Join us in this noble cause with our animal rescue program. Donate today, and let's make a difference in the lives of the animals that need our help the most.
“Grief is love with no place to go” ― Karen Gibbs
Check out our Blog on Grief